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Showing posts from May, 2017

Holding Fast to the Rod of Iron

As my initial entry into this blog, I thought it appropriate to discuss the central theme and name of said blog: Hold Fast. 1 Nephi 8. We born-in-the-covenant LDS folk practically knee-jerk a response: "Oh the Tree of Life vision!" Yes, the Tree of Life vision, as iterated by Lehi and transcribed by his son Nephi, who later went on to clarify the symbolism in his father's original dream. I come to this chapter after some musings as I was driving in my car, thinking in the shower, or goofing off at work. Originally, the thoughts had come during a discussion I had in the ALL group in Phoenix, which stands for Arizona LDS LGBT. There was a scripture study session one Sunday evening at Johnathan and Rachel Manwaring's house, for which I drove all the way up from Tucson to attend. I've been doing this quite a bit actually in the past year, driving all the way up for a two hour shindig, then driving all the way back to Tucson in the same evening. Yeah, I'm a lit