Savannah. Oh my poor Savannah. This whole thing has gone from a triggering video to an international news story. I can no longer simply choose a side. I'm more just stressed about how terrible and divisive this situation is becoming. I'll admit, at first, I was triggered, and I was all about protecting Savannah. Now I'm just stressed. Now I'm thinking, "Goodness, the stake presidency counselor who shut off her microphone is probably hiding away, and could be staving off death threats...who knows?" This is all just awful. Personally, nothing makes me more stressed about finding my way through my own intersectionality of being LDS and LGBT than hearing the common refrains of "Just leave the church!" from the left or "You can't be in a relationship!" from the right, which are the only things that pop up when a situation like this occurs. As soon as these attitudes start creeping up, I start to not be able to sleep. So I'm goi...
Little by little figuring out the next step.